【IWJブログ】「『聖域』を守るという自民党の公約や決議は、各国の交渉官にほとんど知られていない」ジェーン・ケルシー教授、ロリ・ワラック氏が、日本のTPP交渉に渾身の提言! 2013.8.20

記事公開日:2013.8.20 テキスト

特集 TPP問題







 前回のマレーシア会合には、自民党から党TPP対策委員会の西川公也委員長ら4人の議員団が派遣された(日本経済新聞 2013年7月11日 「TPP会合、自民も議員団」 http://s.nikkei.com/16ulKnL)。今回のブルネイ会合には、山田正彦氏のほか、民主党の篠原孝衆議院議員、首藤信彦前衆議院議員、山崎まや前衆議院議員、無所属の山本太郎参議院議員、生活の党の三宅ゆき子前衆議院議員らが参加の予定である。

 今回、山田正彦事務所の了解を得て、山田氏が投稿した画像から判別できたファックス本文の原文とその邦訳を掲載する。一部画像が切れていたり、文字が解読不能な部分に関しては、原文の中で( )や****とし、意味を推定して翻訳した。原文のコピーを入手次第、適宜修正を加える予定である。(IWJ・野村佳男)


山田正彦 殿













法律、政策、国際経済規制 教授

パブリック・シチズン グローバル・トレード・ウォッチ

同封 ブルネイ首席交渉官への手紙文案

Mr. Masahiko YAMADA
Vice Representative of the National Conference to Consider the TPP
August 15, 2013

Dear Mr. Masahiko YAMADA,

We understand that you will be attending the Brunei Round of TPP negotiations. This is very welcome news. Your attendance provides an extremely important opportunity to share information with the senior negotiators from other TPP countries about the conditions relating to Japan’s participation in the TPP negotiations.

We are writing to respectfully propose and request the cooperation of LDP and DPJ Diet Members sincerely engaged in the TPP matter to assure a more inclusive and informed process of the TPP negotiations and to protect the righteous national interests of Japan, such as the resolution at the Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Committee.

The TPP negotiators are largely unaware of the conditions that have been set domestically in Japan regarding exclusion of the five agricultural commodities, exclusion of the investor-state system, the sanctity of the national health care system and related affordable medicine pricing policies and more. Indeed, most are unaware that there is a formal LDP policy on these matters. Some countries’ negotiators also do not seem to be aware that the parallel negotiations with Japan on many of the same issues they are discussing amongst all the parties could result in a different set of obligations between the US and Japan. As well, they are unaware that speedily finishing the TPP as they now plan could generate a severe backlash in Japan that could undermine their own goals of ultimately implementing TPP with Japan included. It is critical that they understand that it is not in their own interest if the Brunei Round becomes both the first full round in which Japan can participate and the last round of TPP negotiations.

From our three years of attending TPP negotiating rounds and meeting with negotiators we have (learned) that often even the Lead Negotiators are not aware of critical domestic political and policy considerations in the other TPP countries. In key instances, we have been able to provide such information, which has affected the negotiations. When important political and policy information (isn’t) known, the Lead Negotiators and their negotiating teams of one country can insist that another (country) accepts positions that it cannot deliver. Sometimes that pressure can be so intense that a country accepts despite those domestic realities. This is very dangerous: it can lead to an “agreement” that does (not) respect countries’ domestic circumstances. A “final” agreement is then brought back to a national parliament and the parliament is extreme pressure to approve an agreement that do not (meet) domestic goals and conditions. The parliament will be confronted with claims from the other TPP (country) that it is too late to change the agreement’s terms and that rejection will cause damage to the (country’s) foreign policy. But, when the Lead Negotiators have full information they often alter their (approach).

The negotiators are at such an advanced stage. This Brunei Round having been declared as the (final) round of TPP negotiations. Most of the TPP texts that set the rules on the issues of concern to Japan have been completed. As a result, it is too late to meet with the negotiators working on specific (issues). How to communicate the crucial missing information about Japan is therefore very important.

At this stage, it is critical that the Lead Negotiators are briefed directly about the domestic conditions that have been identified within the Diet because they will now make the political decisions and advise their ministers.

It is difficult to obtain meetings with the Lead Negotiators. Meetings with individual Lead Negotiators will be very brief if they can be arranged and often the meeting is not suited to effective communications. (For instance, in the Convention Centre’s lobby.) However, the Host Country’s Lead negotiator may help to facilitate a group meeting of all of the Leads in one session, for instance a luncheon or another session at which ****** persons are speaking who they believe will provide them important information. At the Brunei Round, this has already been arranged with respect to affordable access to medicines issues.

The Lead Negotiators will very distracted with trying to complete the negotiations at the Brunei Round. We respectfully recommend that you issue an urgent request to the Brunei Lead negotiator to help you ******* a luncheon or other session for all of the Lead Negotiators. (We have included a draft letter you could send to this effect.) After ascertaining a workable date, time and location, it will be extremely important for an invitation letter to be sent to all of the Lead Negotiators from several representatives of the Diet.

In order to obtain a session with all of the Lead Negotiators, your communication to the Brunei Lead and the invitation letter to the Lead Negotiators must demonstrate that you will provide information that is important to and useful for them. Thus, it would be essential for them to understand that the issues that you will address have broad support in Japan. In particular, it would be critical for you to propose a session at which both an LDP and a DPJ Diet member would speak, as well as someone of importance representing the public’s concerns about TPP. This is vital because at this late stage the Lead Negotiators will only be interested in knowing about widely held domestic political and policy realities in Japan that they must consider in their approach to TPP. That is why they will attend the session on medicines – they know that this issue could undermine the completion of the agreement. If the Lead Negotiators can dismiss information as only presenting one party or one caucus within a party or one segment of a country, they will not be interested and will not attend.

We hope that you will give this proposal consideration. From our past experience over the years of TPP negotiations, we can assure you that such a session could have enormous impact on the negotiations. Indeed, it could make the difference between a rush to complete a deal at the Brunei Round, which is the heads of the state endorse at the October APEC summit, versus a more inclusive and informed process that could meet Japan’s goals in these negotiations.

Respectfully yours,

Jane Kelsey
Professor of Law, Policy and International Economic Regulation
University of Auckland

Lori Wallach
Public Citizen’s Global Trade Watch



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