【東京都知事選】細川護熙氏が外国特派員協会で会見 宇都宮健児氏との一本化の意志を改めて否定 2014.1.28

記事公開日:2014.1.28取材地: テキスト動画




安倍政権の外交に注文 「危うい感じがする」



宇都宮健児候補との「一本化」 改めて否定



一般・サポート 新規会員登録単品購入 330円 (会員以外)




「【東京都知事選】細川護熙氏が外国特派員協会で会見 宇都宮健児氏との一本化の意志を改めて否定」への1件のフィードバック

  1. 白田81 より:


       春は花 夏ほととぎす 秋は月 冬雪さえて 冷(すず)しかりけり


     In the spring, cherry blossoms, in the summer the cuckoo.
    In autumn the moon, and in winter the snow, clear, cold.

    『美しい日本の私 その序説』   川端康成 サイデンステッカー訳 (講談社現代新書)

     “ When we see the beauty of the snow,when we see the beauty of the full moon,when we see the beauty of the cherries in bloom,when in short we brush against and are awakened by the beauty of the four seasons,it is then that we think most of those close to us,and want them to share the pleasure.The excitement of beauty calls forth strong fellow feelings,yearnings for companionship,and the word “comrade” can be taken to mean “human being.” The snow,the moon,the blossoms,words expressive of the seasons as they move one into another,include in the Japanese tradition the beauty of mountains and rivers and grasses and trees,of all the myriad manifestations of nature,of human feelings as well.That spirit,that feeling for one’s comrades in the snow,the moonlight,under the blossoms,is also basic to the tea ceremony.”



     隈(くま)もなく 澄める心の 輝けば 我が光とや 月思ふらむ (明恵上人)

     My heart shines, a pure expanse of light;
    And no doubt the moon will think the light its own.

     あかあかやあかあかあかやあかあかや あかやあかあかあかあかや月 (明恵上人)

     O bright, bright,
    O bright, bright, bright,
    O bright, bright.
    Bright, O bright, bright,
    Bright, O bright moon.

     霞立つ 永き春日(はるひ)を 子供らと 手毬(てまり)つきつつ この日暮らしつ (良寛)

     A long, misty day in spring:
    I saw it to a close, playing ball with the children.

    世の中に まじらぬとには あらねども ひとり遊びぞ 我はまされる  (良寛)

     It is not that I wish to have none of the world,
    It is that I am better at the pleasure enjoyed alone.

     いついつと 待ちにし人は 来りけり 今は相見て なにか思はん (良寛)

     I wondered and wondered when she would come.
    And now we are together.
    What thoughts need I have?

    心とは いかなるものを 言ふならん 墨絵に書きし松風の音 (一休禅師)

     And what is it, the heart?
    It is the sound of the pine breeze there in the painting.

    Truth is in “the discarding of words, ” it lies “outside words.”

                                      『美しい日本の私』 川端康成 サイデンステッカー訳


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