
2012-11-24 Official speech by Mr. Shinzo Abe, leader of LDP toward the election
2012-11-24 Symposium: Toward no nukes society
2012-11-23 Protest action in front of LDP
2012-11-23 Protest action in front of TEPCO
2012-11-23 Stop Ohi nuclear plant! (in front of prime National Diet)
2012-11-23 Stop Ohi nuclear plant! (in front of prime minister’s residence)
2012-11-22 Press conference by Mr, Shimoji, Minister of State for Disaster Management
2012-11-22 Protest action: No to ACTA!
2012-11-22 Press conference by Minister for the Restoration from and Prevention of Nuclear Accident
2012-11-22 Inhouse meeting on spent nuclear fuel of Fukushima nuclear plant
2012-11-22 The shattered zone under the Higashi-dori nuclear plant
2012-11-22 Interview for Mr. Sizuka Kamei from Anti-TPP party
2012-11-21 Forum: The food problem by the Fukushima nuclear incident
2012-11-21 Press conference on Law on the Total Abolition of Nuclear Power Plants
2012-11-21 Regular briefing by Nuclear Regulatory Commission
2012-11-21 Interview for Mr. Masahiko Yamada from Anti-TPP party
2012-11-20 Kick off meeting for the general election by Japanese communist party
2012-11-20 Inhouse meeting on stopping Ohi nuclear plant
2012-11-20 Action: Stop TPP! In front of prime minister’s residence
2012-11-20 Regular briefing by Nuclear Regulatory Commission
2012-11-19 Interview for Helen Mary Caldicott
2012-11-19 Compensation for Fukushima incident
2012-11-19 Radio program by Mr. Yasumi Iwakami, founder of IWJ
2012-11-16 Nonuke action in front of LDP
2012-11-16 Friday Action: Stop Ohi nuclear plant!

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