
2013-04-25 Action: No to ACTA! (in front of prime minister’s residence)
2013-04-25 Prep meeting for investigation in energy by Board
2013-04-25 Forum on constitutional monarchy
2013-04-24 Kick off meeting of “Green Tea Party”
2013-04-24 The shuttered zone under Tsuruga nuclear plant
2013-04-24 Regular briefing by Nuclear Regulation Authority
2013-04-24 Tepco press meeting: The status of Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant
2013-04-23 Inhouse meeting on social security number program
2013-04-23 Regular briefing by Nuclear Regulation Authority
2013-04-23 Tepco press meeting
2013-04-23 Interview for Professor Miura on the relationship between Japan and US
2013-04-22 Symposium by “Moving Japan”
2013-04-22 Press conference by Mr. Ozawa, leader of People’s life party
2013-04-22 Tepco press meeting: The status of Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant
2013-04-19 Protest action in front of American embassy
2013-04-19 Action: Stop Ohi nuclear plant! (in front of prime minister’s official residence)
2013-04-19 Action: Stop Ohi nuclear plant! (in front of National Diet)
2013-04-19 Regular briefing by Nuclear Regulation Authority
2013-04-19 Tepco press meeting: The status of Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant
2013-04-18 Action: No to ACTA! (in front of prime minister’s residence)
2013-04-18 (English)Press conference on Cyber security by Ms. Mihoko Matsubara
2013-04-18 Meeting on the shuttered zone under Higashidori nuclear plant
2013-04-17 Press conference by Green Wind party
2013-04-17 Symposium on Okinawa
2013-04-17 Nuclear Regulation Authority

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