Interview with Franck and Yumi – The French man arrested during an anti-nuke parade in Tokyo, Sep 14, 2011

We interviewed Franck and Yumi who were arrested and then released by the police during the Anti-nuclear demonstration in Shinjuku, Tokyo on the 11th of September. During the interview with the two of them in front of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry two days after the demonstration, they told us what actually happened on that day.

(Subtitle Edit : Akie Igarashi)


*This is a motion video of all this which was shot and translated by a third person.

According to their account, while Franck was protesting against a group that was against the anti-nuclear movement in Japan (Zaitokukai), a police man suddenly charged at him. He then spontaneously pushed away the police man and became arrested for the act. His wife, who was on the demonstration with him, was also caught by the police who ignored an assault against her by a member the group who were opposed the demonstrators.

Franck said with humor, “These malicious arrests might cause a decrease in the public’s trust for the National Police of Japan” at the mention of those 12 arrestees the police had made during the Anti-nuclear demonstration.



  • Lecture on radiation exposure
  • Tepco press meeting: The status of Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant
  • Interview for Mr. Toshinobu Nakazato from Okinawa
  • Action: Stop all nukes! (in front of prime minister’s residence)
  • No to New Energy Plan by government
  • Regular briefing by Nuclear Regulation Authority
  • Tepco press meeting: The status of Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant
  • No to Energy plan by government
  • Tepco press meeting: The status of Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant
  • Action: calling Mr. Abe to resign
  • Action: Stop all nukes! (in front of prime minister’s residence)
  • Regular briefing by Nuclear Regulation Authority
  • Tepco press meeting: The status of Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant
  • Action: Stop all nukes! (around National Diet)
  • Action: Stop all nukes! (around National Diet)
  • Meeting on Secrecy law
  • Action: Stop all nukes! (in front of prime minister’s residence)
  • Regular briefing by Nuclear Regulation Authority
  • Tepco press meeting: The status of Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant
  • Report by Citizen’s nuclear information center
  • Press conference in FCCJ: Fukushima Nuclear Disaster Plaintiffs
  • Regular briefing by Nuclear Regulation Authority
  • Tepco press meeting: The status of Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant
  • Action against Secrecy protection law
  • Action: Stop all nukes! (in front of prime minister’s residence)

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